Friday, June 19, 2009

Mc. Gangster

don't ever think of not buying foods from his restaurant!

courtesy of

p/s: u know this is a crap

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mr. Wolvie finally adamantiumed!!!

for those who kept on waiting, thanx a lot..
for those who did't.. no thanx..
haha~ wuttaheck..


here it is..........


click on it

large view is NICE... so NICE..

technique used : lines and crosses

ratings are advisable!

i'm sleepy already.


Friday, June 12, 2009


The eagerness to showing off invades me. It's not complete though. Gimme a couple of hours more before this super amazing piece of art being proudly displayed all over the net. lol!
So, emmm, enjoy! lalala!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


the movie 'Click' (2006)

Everyone knows, all the movies with Adam Sandler in them are good. But for this one, it's perfect! Though the movie was kinda old, 3 years back, i still never find it boring dat i watched it so many times. Once, I watched it with my 'fcukin ex' in cinema like few days after it was released that it had affected the awesomeness of the movie each and everytime it passes thru my mind while i'm watching. DARN!! ARGHH!! get outta my mind!!!

uhh, ok, lets get back to the topic.

'Michael Newman (Adam Sandler) and Morty (Christopher Walken)'

Despite it's a comedy movie dat i can assure you won't stop laughing ur ass off all the way thru, the thing that attracted me the most was the 'heart-touching' part!!

ya, it really works to make this strong young heart melts and this river of tears in eternal drought to flood the world. wah! personification!

Say I watched the movie 6 times, so, i've been weeping 6 times too. haha!

Though everytime the 'heart-touching' part comes I tried not to shed any tears, but guess what, it never worked. Oh man, it's kinda humiliating to share this fragile side of me, but I don't care, I just wanna share the awesomeness of the movie.

So, if u haven't watched it yet, please watch it now! i say, NOW!! lol!
and lets see whether u'll gonna get weeped or not. Or I'm the only one that's just silly for taking it seriously. haha.

I won't tell you when is that 'heart-touching' will come in the movie, coz u'll know it when u find urself crying. yeah!!


'is the dog wrestling with the duck??'


then, it continues:

9. Now, wh..

------> hey man, enough,i dunno u, so stay away from me.

10. errr...

------> evryone's got their homosexual moment in life. So, wut's d big deal?? It won't be bad if they're homos, coz they can't help it. It's the hormonal thingy that lead them dat way. But, dun worry, hormones are just proteins, so, change ur body pH and temp for a while, then those hormones will RIP.

p/s: i don't post craps, but lopsters, yes.



On a very bright day, under the sunlight, but i ain't right beneath it, there was an awning that coverd me. A man, which i could see the gayness in him, came to me. Asking bout orientation of people that i know. He's kinda interested in the 'not-so-straight' orientation issue. So, here it goes:

1. Is Sharon awesome??

------> yes la

2. But why??

------> coz she's so brave

3. Izzit?

------> ya, it is.

4. How true is this truth?

------> see this post, she dared me to do it man!!

5. Now, serious case..

-------> proceed..

6. Is she a lesbo?

-------> It's still a secret, she didn't tell me the truth yet.

7. So, she's not dat brave?

-------> err, i guess.

8. Then, why did u tell me dat she's so brave?

-------> ahh, my bad.

to conclude, what's this orientation thing got to do with SHARON??
well, for now, u be the judge.
stay tuned!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

His Infernal Majesty (my eternal obsession)

"we are HIM, the Finnish love metal band"
that's wut Ville (frontman) often used to introduce the band. Many had argued bout the LOVE METAL thingy, they said, there's no such thing as love metal. But, one thing they don't know is, the word LOVE METAL really describes the entire meaning of the HIM music. Although, yeah, LOVE METAL is not a genre, but it's a word to distinguish HIM, having their own identity from others.

(from left: Burton, Mige, Ville, Linde and Gas)
  • Ville Hermanni Valo (composer, writer and vox)
  • Mikko Lindstrom/Linde (guitar)
  • Mige Amour (bass)
  • Emerson Burton (keyboard)
  • Gas Lipstick (drum)

Ville Valo with the habit of smoking while singing

Ville Valo @ my idol!! ow yeah!!
why? coz he's the most creative guy i've ever known, he wrote all the beautiful poetic lyrics and interpret them into magnificent work of art i.e. all their songs. I repeat, ALL THEIR SONG!! lol!
He's a good artist too that he designed almost all of HIM's album covers, and one that attracted me the most was his painting that had been made as their latest album cover, VENUS DOOM.
Most of all, his voice. Too sexy to resist. It'll melt u down baybeyh. haha!

So, those are my collection. Not all are sold here in M'sia so I don't own all of them.

I've been collecting them since i first started adoring the music, 5 years back. Yeah, i know i was kinda late, but don't expect me to listen to this kind of music when i was a kid. HIM was formed in 1991, I was just 1 year old, and my songs were, 'Twinkle2 Lil' Star', 'Old McDonald', 'Humpty Dumpty" etc. Wah! I could remember all this. lol!

How i got to know HIM? random listening to different bands, then i stuck with it.

from top,
  1. Razorblade Romance (1999)
  2. Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights (2001)
  3. Love Metal (2003)
  4. Dark Light (2005)
  5. And Love Said No (2004)
  6. Uneasy Listening Vol. 1 (2006)
  7. Uneasy Listening Vol. 2 (2007)
  8. Venus Doom (2007)
hmm, i have just 8, but i should've got another one, 'Digital Versatile Doom' which i've told one of my so-called best friend to get it for my birthday, but no HIM-related stuff had showed up. T_T
I wish dat one day i'll own everything from them as part of my obsession. They had released many singles and compilations that are 'no way to find them in Malaysia Tanah Air Ku'. Uhhh! WuttaPhuck!

I never planned to talk long bout this topic, coz i know it will take years. So, that's all bout my very beautiful obsession.

Here's my recommendation for those who wanted to try pieces of HIM. Listen to these :

Funeral of Hearts
Killing Loneliness
Join Me
In Joy and Sorrow
Passion's Killing Floor

Saturday, April 11, 2009


  • One of my very first successful trials in making portraits. Done in late 2006. I copied the pic from a DVD cover, death note and a quite interesting piece of art was done.
  • Tools : 2B pencil and 8B pencil on a 15" x 22" paper.

  • Done in mid 2007 (if i'm not mistaken). Drawing of the sexiest man on planet, Ville Valo of Finnish band, HIM.
  • Reference: pic from the net. Tools:Oil pastels on A3 paper.
  • Credit to my friend, Sakinah for the via-IM tutorials. haha!

  • Another drawing of the sexiest guy on planet. haha!
  • It's a drawing. I don't cheat in making artworks.
  • click on it, large view is nice. :)

  • It's the joker!! Done in KTT (when i don't feel like studying).
  • Reference: joker figurine (koko krunch free gift). Tools: Prismacolor markers and sharpie.
"so lazy to show off more. lol! so, if ur interested, the rest of my artworks is here,"