Everyone knows, all the movies with Adam Sandler in them are good. But for this one, it's perfect! Though the movie was kinda old, 3 years back, i still never find it boring dat i watched it so many times. Once, I watched it with my 'fcukin ex' in cinema like few days after it was released that it had affected the awesomeness of the movie each and everytime it passes thru my mind while i'm watching. DARN!! ARGHH!! get outta my mind!!!
uhh, ok, lets get back to the topic.

Despite it's a comedy movie dat i can assure you won't stop laughing ur ass off all the way thru, the thing that attracted me the most was the 'heart-touching' part!!
ya, it really works to make this strong young heart melts and this river of tears in eternal drought to flood the world. wah! personification!
Say I watched the movie 6 times, so, i've been weeping 6 times too. haha!
Though everytime the 'heart-touching' part comes I tried not to shed any tears, but guess what, it never worked. Oh man, it's kinda humiliating to share this fragile side of me, but I don't care, I just wanna share the awesomeness of the movie.
So, if u haven't watched it yet, please watch it now! i say, NOW!! lol!
and lets see whether u'll gonna get weeped or not. Or I'm the only one that's just silly for taking it seriously. haha.
I won't tell you when is that 'heart-touching' will come in the movie, coz u'll know it when u find urself crying. yeah!!